POSTED July 01, 2020
Client Cameo: Karen Harrison by Cam Low
While spending the summer with her family on Colorado’s Western slope, Karen Harrison was exposed to Colorado’s beauty at a young age. Born to a Texas family, she was captivated by everything Colorado has to offer. When the time arose to find the best college fit, CU Boulder was her first and only choice. After graduation, she pursued graduate school in Chile and eventually returned to the States when she accepted a job offer in the Bay Area. After her time in San Francisco, she returned to Boulder, which she has proudly called “home” for the majority of her adult life. Boulder holds a special place in her heart, as she raised her two sons in this area.
Karen is no stranger to volunteerism. Her volunteer pursuits include work with the Carriage House, Boulder’s Day Center for people experiencing homelessness, and she was a part of the St. Thomas Aquinas task force, which opened the Harvest of Hope food pantry. Karen has also worked at churches, nonprofits, and her alma mater, CU!
In her free time, she enjoys swimming, hiking, and 4-wheeling. Because of health issues, she has been forced to curtail her hobbies. Cultivate has been a true blessing to Karen and she appreciates the services and relationships Cultivate has brought into her life!
CL: Which Cultivate programs have you utilized? How have they impacted you?
KH: A silver lining [to my health issues] has been Cultivate, which I became connected with four years ago at retirement. Fix-It volunteers have installed grab bars in my bathroom. VetsGo drivers have taken me to physical therapy appointments. File For Life has been very useful with several hospitalizations in recent years and a couple of emergency room visits. Carry-Out Caravan volunteers shop for and deliver my groceries; they are a key source of support for me during the coronavirus pandemic. I truly appreciate the personal relationships the volunteers have developed with me over the years.
CL: What are three words that best describe you?
KH: Faith, hope, and charity. These are also three words that describe the blessings of the Boulder community. God bless you, Cultivate!