POSTED February 01, 2024
Client Cameo: Lady Cat
Lady Cat is our latest Client Cameo, and has been a Cultivate client for the past ten years. She was raised in Pennsylvania and after getting her degree in Psychology, she moved to Florida, where she became a professional dancer and photography model. She even turned down a modeling invitation from Playboy!
Florida is also where she met her husband, and professional dance partner, Steve. They shared a successful, professional dance career together, working in Miami Beach. Lady Cat also trained and showed German Shepherds and Persian Cats. Unfortunately, her husband’s life was cut short due to an auto accident, and after his passing, she packed up her life in Florida and moved to Colorado. She had been physically drawing the Colorado mountains a year prior to his death, even though she had never been out West to see them in person.
Boulder is the perfect place for her to reside as her interests are metaphysics, paranormal, UFOs, horses, natural, and wildlife. She is an advocate for Animal Rights groups and supports the Colorado Horse Rescue, Almost Home Cat Rescue, and Boulder Humane Society. She is also a gifted poet, writer, and songwriter. She says that she accepts the “Automatic Writing” as they channel through her without warning. Not a single word has ever been edited from any poem or song.
Though Lady Cat says sorrow has been present in much of her life, she says that it has also been laced with lots of love, both two-legged and four-legged! She was blessed with a wonderful spouse and many loving pets. She prides herself on being an outspoken, independent, free thinker. She says she has a degree in sarcasm and is often compared to Judge Judy.
She is grateful for our Carry-Out Caravan services, which she has been using well before Covid. Lady Cat praises her regular delivery drivers, Mary Lynn and Hudson. She has also enjoyed the other volunteers she has encountered throughout the years of services she has received in our other programs.
It is always a pleasure getting to know our clients and their unique personalities and lives. Thank you, Lady Cat, for being so open and sharing your Poems, Songs, and Photos with Cultivate throughout the years. We are so happy we can help you and appreciate your loyalty and gratitude for Cultivate, our staff, and our volunteers!