POSTED February 01, 2023
Client Cameo: Mary T.
This month's Client Cameo is Mary T. who was born in Louisville, KY, in November 1925. Her family moved to Minnesota shortly after she was born, where she grew up and lived for many years until she retired and moved to Colorado to be close to her son, who lives nearby in Broomfield.
She is one of six children in her family—three brothers and two sisters. She is the oldest of the sisters, and has outlived all her siblings.
One of her childhood memories is of her dad taking the family on fishing and hunting trips to Northern Minnesota. She mostly kept her mom company and helped take care of things in their lodging.
Before retiring, Mary had an exciting, 35 year career in advertising. She worked for Campbell Methune Advertising Company in Minneapolis as the Traffic Art Manager. She even appeared in some of the ads the company produced—she said the extra pay for doing this was nice to have and it was fun at the same time. She noted that she sure didn’t get the fee a supermodel would get!
Her career at Campbell Methune was fascinating. She worked on many different accounts; one of the largest was Northwest Airlines. Mary found it fascinating to work with so many creative people—writers, illustrators, designers, photographers and others—she said there was never a dull moment.
She said one favorite memory is of the trip she and one of her sisters took to Italy and Istanbul in 1995. Mary was impressed with the culture and architecture, and the rugged and rustic landscapes. While they had a ball traveling together, she was happy to get back home—being in another country made her appreciate all she has here.
Mary keeps in touch with a few friends in Minnesota, and with a friend in Kentucky, keeps up with and places a two dollar bet on each of three horses every year for the Kentucky Derby. In 2003, two of the horses she chose placed: Funny Cide was the winner, and another came in second. She didn’t strike it rich, saying she took home about $45 but it sure was fun to win. Her secret for picking favorites? She picks the ones who have the best names!
Before Mary lost much of her vision, she was an avid reader and loved working crossword puzzles. One of her favorite books was “Intermission,” written by American actress Anne Baxter.
She was also an active volunteer in the community. In addition to Boulder Community Hospital and North Suburban Medical Center, she volunteered at the Senior Center in Broomfield at the front desk.
An avid Vikings football fan, she also enjoyed a day trip to Denver Botanic Gardens earlier this year and hopes to go again in 2024.
Mary says she is very thankful for Cultivate, having used Carry-Out Caravan for at least the past three years. She also volunteered to participate in Cultivate’s pilot “Call Progam” program (which started during the beginning of the pandemic), saying she loves knowing she’ll get a phone call every week and that she has someone she can talk to and laugh with. It has been wonderful to see how the friendship between Mary and her volunteer buddy Patty has flourished and made an impact on both their lives!