POSTED May 01, 2024
Flourish with Food: The Meat Paradox
A recent Virginia Tech study found consumers, overall, acknowledged the value of eating more plant-rich meals to support both their health and the environment.
Although, when looking at actual food behaviors, just 26% of consumers across all ages reported following a plant-rich diet. This was a 3-year increase, though, from the previously reported 12%. Interestingly, younger generations were more likely to follow a plant-rich diet than older generations.
While Americans overall prioritized plant foods, paradoxically red meat consumption increased. This is inconsistent with the Mediterranean diet, along with other plant-based eating patterns, which downplay the foundational role of meat by eating small amounts and/or eating infrequently.
A red meat alternative: veggie “meats”. They get their protein from soy, peas, wheat, legumes and/or egg whites.
A recent issue of Nutrition Action from the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest, reviewed beefless burgers and other meatless products.
Best Bites have at least 10 g protein per serving for burgers, grounds/crumbles, and meatballs. An Honorable Mention rating was given to products with less than 10 g protein.
- Burger Best Bites include Morning Star’s Garden Veggie, Original and Prime Griller; Beyond Burger; 365 Traditional Plant-Based Burger, Gardein Be’f Burger.
- Grounds and crumbles Best Bites include Morningstar Grillers Crumbles, Impossible Beef Lite, Beyond Beef Original Crumbles, Beyond Beef.
- Meatballs Best Bites recognition went to Gardein and Morningstar.