POSTED March 01, 2024
March 2024 Partner Spotlight
At Premier Members Credit Union (PMCU), we strive to be B.R.A.V.E,- that’s Building Relationships and Adding Value Every day. When we look to collaborate with our community partners, we look for ones who bring value to those they serve – ones who help change lives and fill a void for the underserved. That’s what appealed to us when we chose to partner with Cultivate. They are creating programs that are helping seniors stay connected to the meaningful things in life. It’s an incredible impact that we, as a credit union, want to be part of and support. At PMCU, we want to empower the many volunteers and clients by providing education and products that will benefit each person’s life.
We put our members and community partners first. That means local branches, friendly tellers, and a strong focus on uplifting our whole community. We believe in the communities we serve and will always do our best to offer customized products and services that will benefit our community partners. We offer some of the highest savings rates in the market, little to no fees on checking, and service that’s unmatched. When we hear there’s a need in the community, we do our best to fill it.
Why choose PMCU?
Choosing PMCU over a bank is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make. Banks are for-profit institutions that serve the needs of shareholders and investors. Credit unions are not-for-profit with member-owners who have an equal say in how the union is governed and run. They share their success with their members in the form of lower loan rates and higher savings interest. We support the local community and not Wall Street.
If you would like to join PMCU or have any questions, please reach out to Cultivate and or Brian Woodman Business Development Specialist with PMCU for all your banking needs.
Feel free to email BWoodman@PMCU.org or use the QR Code to learn more about PMCU products and services and to join.