POSTED April 02, 2019
March Volunteer of the Month - Rebecca Compton
We have an amazing community of volunteers who faithfully and generously give their time and energy to serve seniors throughout Boulder County. In an effort to recognize their work, and so that our entire community can get to know our volunteers, we started our Volunteer of the Month award program.
We’re pleased to introduce you to Rebecca Compton, our March 2019 Volunteer of the Month. Rebecca volunteers with Carry-Out Caravan in Longmont and helps with every step of the process—from order taking to double-checking—to ensure every senior client gets all the items on their list.
Note: be sure to subscribe to our redesigned monthly newsletter to get the Volunteer of the Month announcement, the latest Cultivate news, and other valuable content delivered straight to your inbox.
Where did you grow up?
I was a military brat. We mostly lived in Colorado Springs and Fort Carson, but we moved every three years.
What was your childhood ambition?
Honestly, exactly what I did. To be a mom. I always had little jobs. But I always wanted to be a mom. And that’s what I did. Two daughters—my youngest is in Spokane, Washington and my oldest daughter just had her first baby.
What has been one of your proudest moments?
My girls. Sitting through two college graduations, two weddings—hearing the girls’ toasts to each other was just amazing. It’s all family. It’s the girls and seeing how kind they’ve become. Empathetic. Responsible. Everything you try to get them to be. And there were some detours along the way. But they made it. That’s probably what I’m most proud of.
What has been one of your greatest challenges?
I have been very lucky. I haven’t had a lot of challenges. Right now, it’s dealing with elderly parents. That’s a lot of stress. Trying to figure out how to help, how to get them to doctors appointments. But other than that I’ve been very fortunate.
What are you most passionate about?
My yorkie, Boo. My grandson, Arthur, obviously. I love to cook. I like to travel. I love to read.
Where have you travelled?
All over. France, Germany, London. I’m working on all fifty states, but a few of them are hard. I’m getting picky at this point. Canada. A lot of the Caribbean islands. I love London. And this is something I’m proud of: when we were in France one year, my husband and I biked the entire Arcachon Basin. We started early in the morning and got back to the villa at eight at night. It was an amazing experience. But I didn’t walk for two days after that.
What would your perfect day look like?
Obviously I’d have a book and my dog. Sunshine. A bicycle ride. Sunset. And some good food. A glass of wine.
What is one item on your bucket list?
I would like to do an African Safari. And if it’s still there I’d like to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef. I don’t know if it’ll still be there by the time I get there. But those are the two that I’d like to do the most.
What three words would you want to describe your legacy?
Kind. Trustworthy. Responsible.
Who inspires you?
Right now I’m inspired by the women running for office. I’m inspired by Moms Demand. I’m inspired by Stacy Abrams. Women who are saying “Ok. We’re taking over now.”
What advice would you give to a generation other than your own?
Enjoy the ride. Don’t take it all too seriously. It’ll end soon. If I could go back I would take it a day at a time. Enjoy the moment and don’t worry so much about tomorrow.
Why do you volunteer?
It’s a good way to give back. For me, it’s a little selfish. I’m very introverted and it gives me a push to meet people and get out of my shell a little bit. And it’s just fun. We all get along really well at the Longmont Carry-Out. We joke and make friends. And it also goes with my food passion. It feels like I’m making a difference in someone’s life when they might not be able to get nourishment otherwise.
Why Cultivate?
I think there was an ad in the paper—nine years ago now. I was looking for something to get involved with. I saw it had to do with food and I love the grocery store. And it worked out well, obviously, now it’s almost a decade later and I’m still doing it.
Who is a senior who has made an impact on your life, and what is one lesson you have learned from them?
I’m thinking of my daughter’s grandmother-in-law. I’m watching Patsy and her relationship with my son-in-law and my daughter, and I want to be her. I see her with my grandson and she worships him. She’s kind of teaching me how to be a grandmother. It’s instinctive but some people are better at it than others. She’s very involved in her community, very kind, very active. She’s showing me how to do it.
Volunteering with us is easy, flexible and fun! Join our volunteer team today and, like Rebecca, make a deep impact in the lives of your senior neighbors.