POSTED February 25, 2019
Upcoming Events - March 2019
Is it spring yet? No matter the weather, there are always exciting experiences to be had around Boulder County. This month, we’re looking forward to international films, a quirky festival up in Nederland, and a toe-tapping wellness movement. Every month, we share some of the events we’ll be attending as well as others that we know you’ll love to hear about. Read on for March 2019’s upcoming events:
March 1st–3rd
Longmont International Film Festival
Stewart Auditorium, Longmont Museum
400 Quail Road, Longmont
Film buffs, mark your calendars. The Longmont International Film Festival will bring a variety of documentary films to town. Whether you’re interested in a feel-good documentary about how one small town came together to help strangers in the aftermath of 9/11 or a deep dive into the life of the world’s first female film director, you’ll find something to settle in and watch. Grab tickets and learn more about the scheduled documentaries on the film festival website.
March 8th–9th
Fort Collins International Film Festival
417 West Magnolia Street, Fort Collins
If you can’t catch a film in Longmont, head a little north the following weekend for the Fort Collins International Film Festival. With documentaries, a number of short films, as well as full-length feature films there’s something to catch everyone’s fancy. Learn more about the films offered and purchase tickets on the Lincoln Center website.
March 8th–10th
Frozen Dead Guy Days
Almost everyone in the Boulder area knows about Frozen Dead Guy Days. It’s when the town of Nederland throws a three-day party celebrating Bredo Morstoel, who is frozen and has been housed in a shed of dry ice for thirty years. The quirky festivities take place this month and you don’t want to miss them. There will be thirty live bands, coffin racing, frozen t-shirt contests and plenty of food and drink to keep you entertained for the 18th annual event. Get your tickets on the Frozen Dead Guy Days website.
March 16th | 11am
Lucky Saturday at McGuckin’s
2525 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder
Stop by McGuckin Hardware on St. Patrick’s Day with more than just your shopping list! For Lucky Saturday, celebrate Irish and Irish-American heritage with a day of activities and vendors. Check out McGuckin’s website for more information about the event, and don’t forget to wear green!
March 22nd | 7pm
World Literature Series Spring 2019
1107 Pearl Street, Boulder
Literature buffs take note—a lecture series hosted by the Boulder Bookstore in partnership with CU Boulder will feature authors from around the world. The March lecture will focus on American novelist, editor and professor E.L. Doctorow and will be presented by Annjeanette Wiese, Instructor of the Humanities at CU Boulder. Visit the Boulder Bookstore website for more information.
March 23rd | 7:30pm
Pixar in Concert
1595 Pleasant Street, Boulder
The music from your favorite animated films will be performed live by the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra. Enjoy songs from hit Pixar movies like Finding Nemo, Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, and more. Tickets are going fast, so purchase yours today on the Boulder Philharmonic website.
March 30th | 10am
Dance With a Doc!
6185 Arapahoe Road, Boulder
Have you joined any of the popular Walk With a Doc events around Boulder? The events are put on by Boulder Community Health and are part of a global wellness movement. For a new spin on the well-liked events, you can now Dance With a Doc! Join a board-certified doctor and the Center for Transformative Movement for a free innovative dance class. Find more information on the Dance With a Doc! website.
Have an event you’d like us to know about? Share it with us on Twitter or Facebook! Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our newsletter.