POSTED July 01, 2021
Volunteer Spotlight: Brooke Mann
We are happy to introduce you to our lovely volunteer of the month, Brooke Mann. Brooke has been volunteering with Cultivate since October 2020. She helped us through the pandemic and continues to do so every Thursday for our Boulder clients. She comes to shop and stays until the very end. Brooke was nominated because she comes in every week with the best attitude, and she never leaves without asking what else she can help with. So not only is she a shopper, but she also helps with bagging and double checking when we need.
Brooke grew up in New Orleans. As a child, Brooke loved animals and her only wish was to become a vet and help out animals. Brooke’s first job was at a New Orleans bakery, where she learned baking and worked the counter. She really liked that job! After some years, Brooke got accepted into grad school, which is one of proudest moments in life. Sixteen years later she got laid off and was challenged to find her next adventure.
Brooke likes to run, hike and go biking; pretty much anything that keeps her outdoors and moving! A perfect day for her would be a nice summer day, with perfect weather so she can enjoy some outdoor activities. She would finish the day with a nice dinner. “Mmm, food. I love food,” she says. As mentioned earlier, Brooke likes the outdoors and a big item on her bucket list is to attend "Jukola-Venla,” the biggest orienteering relay event in the world held annually in Finland. (Orienteering is map and compass navigation racing.) She really hopes to make it there one day!
Generous, friendly and kind are words that describe Brooke. She always likes to help others in need, she is friendly to everyone and likes to treat everyone with kindness, hoping they will treat her the same. Brooke volunteers because her mother showed her the path to volunteering, and she really enjoys it. She likes to help others that need a helping hand. She enjoys volunteering with Cultivate, helping our senior clients get their groceries. Brooke also loves the Cultivate staff, the mission and the volunteer team. “It’s always fun to talk to other volunteers that like to help out too.”