POSTED September 01, 2021
Volunteer Spotlight: Catherine Dreher
We are happy to introduce you to this month’s Volunteer of the Month, Catherine Dreher. Cathy was born in Berkeley California and moved to Colorado in 1972. As a child she was interested in becoming a foreign language teacher (French, Spanish, Latin). She loves the cultures and languages of different places in the world.
Catherine retired in 2015 and started working part-time at Meals On Wheels, helping the chef in the kitchen. She did this for 4 years and then she decided she wanted to get more involved in the community and volunteer even more. And that's when she got involved with Cultivate; she wanted to help others and thought Cultivate was an amazing organization, offering flexible opportunities to help seniors. On the side, Cathy works part-time for a gift card company located at Target so she’s able to easily juggle work and volunteering.
Someday Cathy hopes to visit Hawaii. Her daughter is her biggest job and accomplishment. In her spare time Cathy enjoys gardening, challenging games, and jigsaw puzzles, all of which were perfect distractions during Covid. Cathy says Covid changed her in that she’s more grateful with what she has and for the people around her. Not seeing her loved ones was really hard and reminded her to enjoy every moment in life. And then enjoy it some more!
Cathy volunteers because she has the time and energy, is physically able and loves helping others. She learned about Cultivate on NextDoor, knew she wanted to get more involved in volunteering and thought Cultivate’s programs were a good fit for her. “The flexible programs make volunteering very doable.” Thank you Cathy, for sharing your time and your heart to help Cultivate’s clients!